Music, why have we not evolved yet.

Jumping on the Audiophile bandwagon for a minute and you will realize there is a clear divide between, Acceptable audio and pristine audio.

Music, why have we not evolved yet.

Jumping on the Audiophile bandwagon for a minute and you will realize there is a clear divide between, Acceptable audio and pristine audio. The fight between audio engineers that put loudness at the top of the charts and musicians wanting their fans to listen to their music The way it was intended has never been greater. but why is all of this happening. We already have several different more advanced compression technologies as well as better bandwidth than yesteryear. I have been thinking about this for some time, and I really thought I should get this idea out there. Why have we not innovated in the media space for decades. The last great invention in audio is the MQA format. while this is closed source and you need to be accepted into some sort of program. I was thinking of a possible compatible open source version which more or less was based on my thoughts of HDR1.0 and Dolby vision and how they utilize metadata to define the HDR scenes. Why isn't audio formats dynamic in its nature. So hear me out on this.

Currently, the way you listen to music is to first download a track ( forgive me for talking about downloads for now) from iTunes or whatever it's a 256/320 kbps MP3 file.
you then load it up on your music player of choice (AIMP is my fav).
now you sit back load up your EQ settings and enjoy.

Now I know for most people you either listen to a set of music types, so using eq settings is convenient. But what if by default the audio engineer mastering the track customizes audio eq settings and adds that to the metadata of the file.
My thoughts about this are that a music producer can have 2 or three preferred eq settings that the audio player will then set itself to the audio experience. If you preferred the "way it was intended" you can set that as the default profile in the app, if you prefer a more neutral sound you then set that in the app and you can have a DAC or custom external setting be used. I figure this is one-way audio engineers can solve the issue of the loudness profile. Where an iPod/iPhone could be set to the default setting or even digital headphones could decide which profile works best. this will also allow users to have a per-track eq change and amplification. now all of this will be silly if it involves a new format. But what if this is put in the id3tags. now I know iTunes has a per track EQ setting that you can apply to a song, but the settings can only be transferred between devices if you choose a preset eq

The proposed will be a new EQ Frame ( not the Equalization from in id3 v2.4)

property name   property value
32                +/-12
63                +/-12
125               +/-12
250               +/-12
500               +/-12
1k                +/-12
2k                +/-12
4k                +/-12
8k                +/-12
16k               +/-12
32k               +/-12

Also with this, streaming apps will be able to send pre-track eq settings to their respective apps, and will allow a better audio experience even with those on iPod headphones ( yuck)
Just a thought.

Photo by Mohammad Metri / Unsplash